Service & Support

ACS quality services are based on the following deliverable characteristics


ACS markets only those products with proven track records for reliability and from suppliers who developed service strategies for their products.


ACS service offered a 24 hours basis support, whenever a service is required by clients at any time of the day, there will be always someone to deal with it.

High performance:

ACS delivers accurately, efficiently and responsibility to its clients service needs. ACS fast response time is boosted with skilful trained service staff back up.

The following services will be provided:

  1. Support :
    • Email support
    • Telephonic
    • Manufacturer technical support, as needed, including dispatch and return of parts.
    • Onsite support from supplier certified specialist on the supplied products dispatched by vendors as needed.
  2. Troubleshooting of any declared problem or errors by customer.
  3. Priority call handling process, round the clock problem resolution support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  4. Creation or update of services desk ticket related to errors or failure found.
  5. Repair &/or replacement of faulty products or components. Shipping of faulty products or components to manufacturer and getting the replacement as per lead time provided by manufacturer.

Get in touch

+974 4448 9966 / 9996
+974 4462 2417